GO Lang


What is Go Language?

Go language is developed by Google.  Go is a compiled language. It is the most promising language. 

Docker and Kubernetes are developed by Go language. Technical base is from C and C++.

As Go language is easy to learn, read and write programs, Go language minimalistic.

Advantages of Go language

  • Easy to read and learn

  • Easy to write programs

  • Easier than java because it has less features to focus on.

Lets get started with Go Language

  • Go to the below site where you can download the setup for Go language. 


  • After downloading, open the setup and install.

  • To check whether Go is properly installed, open the command prompt and type GO and press enter. 

    Then you might get a list of commands. If so GO lang is successfully installed.

     You can create a file and save with the extension of ".go". And try the below small program.

    Then open the command prompt in the location where the file is saved and give the below command and run it.

    Then you should get an output as below

    Also you can add two numbers inside the print statement as below




  • In GO language, if you are declaring a variable you must use that declared variable.

    If you ignore the declared variable as above example, you may get an error as shown below

  • Also If you are importing a package you must use that imported package.


    If you ignore the imported packages as above example, you may get an error as shown below 



  • But in java whatever the package you import or whatever the variable which you declare, it is not a must
    to use it. But in Go, you must use it.


  • But if we missed one thing when declaring the variable. Even though the program is compiled, it is
    incomplete. When declaring a variable we need

  1. Variable name

  2. Data type

  3. Data






  • what we missed in above examples is variable type. It should be done like below



  • If you did not assign a value for a variable, by default its value becomes 0



  • If you do not assign a value and also if you do not give a type for the variable, it will occure an error.


     You can try the below examples aswell




  • The below example will show you an infinite loop


    Example 1

    Output 1

    Example 2

    Output 2

    Example 3

    Output 3

    Example 4

    Output 4

    Example 5

    Output 5

    Example 6

    Output 6


  • For loop



  • Use of functions


  • In C language and in JAVA we cannot return multiple values from a function, but in GO language we can return
    multiple languages from a function


  • According to the below example, you can just write the keyword "return" inside the method and specify
    the variables that you expect to return from the function when declaring the variable.


  • If you want to access a variable in both methods do it like below example



  • Package level and function level variables 


  • In java its global and local variables but in GO its package level and function level

  • Any function will reffer the package level variable only if it does not have a function level variable



  • Go language is case sentisitive. The best example for that is when printing a statement you use 



  • But if you use simple 'p' as below it won't work



  • Lets use a math function



  • Remember Sqrt function accepts only float values. Not accepting integers




  • Also you can format your output as below


  • If you want to round your value for 2 decimal points then use %.2f as below



  • Lets get the integer output , ceil output and the floor output as below


     You can try below examples aswel

    Example 1

    Output 1

    Example 2

    Output 2

    Example 3

    Output 3

    Example 4

    Output 4

    Example 5

    Output 5

    Example 6

    Output 6

